We continue seeking and spotting excellent web design projects worldwide to create awareness about meaningful, contemporary design and honor web designers who have chartered new directions for web design innovation and inspired the community.
We are honored to announce the top sites of the last week, which will definitely inspire you.
Site Of The Day Winners
Explore the websites that have been honored with the Site Of The Day award every day throughout the past week.
Feb 19
ACTIVE THEORY V6 by Active Theory from The USA.
Founded in 2012. We blend story, art & technology as an in-house team of passionate makers. Our industry-leading web toolset consistently delivers award-winning work through quality & performance.
Agency Portfolio 360 3D Animation on scroll Clean Contact Page Dark Header Design Interactive animation Interactive Design Interactive header Intro animation Landing Page Microinteractions Minimal Sound-Audio Unusual Navigation Angular Firebase Open Graph PWA Three.js Typescript
Feb 20
ABETKA by Obys agency from Ukraine.
The History of Ukrainian Struggle from A to Z — in the literal sense of these letters.
Culture & Education Social responsibility Animation on scroll Creative Menu Footer Design Header Design Interactive animation Interactive Design Interactive header Intro animation Storytelling Transitions Typography Angular GSAP Animation Open Graph PWA Tailwind CSS Typescript
Feb 21
Unfinished 24′ Portfolio by Anil Soilih from France.
My personal portfolio, inspired by the unfinished works we all have. The off-grid design and compositions are reflecting my vision of web experiences used to convey a message.
Agency Portfolio About Page Animation on scroll Button Custom cursor Dark Filters and Effects Footer Design Header Design Interactive animation Intro animation Parallax Transitions Typography Unusual Navigation GSAP Animation Swiper.js Webflow
Feb 22
SANDCLOCK by Bürocratik from Portugal.
Our mission for Greater Good extends beyond just humans, it embodies a natural system in which we are nested with a shared and common destiny.
Services Finance Social responsibility Animation on scroll Button Creative Menu Header Design Interactive animation Interactive Design Interactive header Intro animation Typography Angular Core.js GSAP Animation Lottie Node.js Nuxt.js Open Graph Three.js Typescript Vue.js Webpack
Feb 23
FABRIC™ by Dennis Snellenberg from The Netherlands.
We’re dedicated to funding the visionary Web 3 founders who build organizations and institutions for individuals, by individuals.
Ché Heijnen
Services 404 pages Animation on scroll Button Cookie message Creative Menu Dark Interactive Design Intro animation Microinteractions Transitions Typography Angular Apache BARBA.js GSAP Animation jQuery Open Graph PHP Three.js Typescript
Orpetron Web Design Appreciation Winners
Explore the websites that have been honored with the Orpetron Web Design Appreciation award every day throughout the past week.
Feb 19
ROUD STUDIO by Roud Studio from Poland.
Roud Studio is a full service web agency based in Warsaw with passion to design and development digital products.
Design Agencies 404 pages About Page Button Cookie message Creative Menu Header Design Angular Node.js Svelte Swiper.js Typescript
Feb 20
GIOPATO & COOMBES by Antinomy Studio from The Netherlands.
Together with selected artisans, Giopato&Coombes look for the best manufacture technique for every single project. They work hard to make functions look beautiful and make beauty become functional in order to intertwine the two together, a kind of love affair that goes beyond this modernist cliché.
Ingmar Coenen, ARVIN LEEUWIS
Architecture Products Promotional Clean Gallery Interactive animation Interactive Design Intro animation Minimal Photo & Video Product page Transitions Typography Unusual Navigation Angular Core.js Dato CMS GSAP Animation Node.js Nuxt.js Open Graph PWA Typescript Vue.js Webpack
Feb 21
TENZR by Oui Will from The USA.
Tenzr is the only mobile therapy kit that assesses and retrains movement, guides rehabilitation, and measures progress.
Technology Medical 3D Animation on scroll Clean Intro animation Minimal Typography Angular Apache GSAP Animation Lottie Open Graph PHP Typescript Wordpress
Feb 22
LUSION LABS by Lusion from The UK.
A space dedicated to anticipate how new technologies will affect brands and how we interact with them through R&D.
Design Agencies Agency Portfolio Black and White Custom cursor Infinite Scroll Interactive animation Interactive Design Interactive header Intro animation Microinteractions Transitions Angular Netlify Open Graph PWA Three.js Typekit
Feb 23
JEFFREY MARTIN by Jomor Design from Canada.
Official website of singer-songwriter Jeffrey Martin. The latest album “Thank God We Left The Garden” is now available. View tour dates to catch him live.
Solo Portfolio 404 pages Animation on scroll Clean Colorful Creative Menu Fullscreen Interactive Design Landing Page Minimal Parallax Photo & Video Typography Angular Core.js jQuery Open Graph Typekit Typescript Webflow